God’s Word is powerful, and those that put all their trust in it, learn from it and live by it are among the most blessed people of the earth. God’s Word has been and always will be powerful, and those that obey it, heed its teachings and show respect to its holiness will experience a more satisfying life than all others who try to live their lives within themselves.

The times we live in are warning us of what’s coming and why only the ones that believe God’s Word will see this. God will miraculously use His true followers and then suddenly remove them from the population, allowing His judgements to turn to wrath as the rest of society will experience such great turmoil, punishment and terror because of the sinfulness of the culture.

God’s Word tells us all what is coming and why. Just listen to a few words from the Bible book of the prophet Isaiah as he warns of the impending judgement of God against a sinful people like today. “Woe! Judgement is coming to those who drag along wickedness. Woe! Judgement is coming to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness. Woe! Judgement is coming to those who are wise in their own eyes, who justify the wicked and take away the rights of those who are in the right.”

Well, there it is. The day is here, and God is going to shake this world. Where do you stand with God in all that is going on? The Bible says that His people perish because they lack His word. Do you know God’s Word?

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