For quite some time now we’ve heard about how terrorism is becoming a greater threat to society, and we’ve seen the effects of what terrorism can do. But for thousands of years, terrorism has been in existence, and it all started with the rebellion and fall of lucifer being cast out of Heaven by God; and now Satan, as he is known, is the author of every form of terrorism that can be found.

It all starts in the spiritual realm and funnels down from there all over the world. The main source feeding all terrorism is spiritual terrorism, conducted still today by Satan and his demonic operatives. They get into the lives of men and women and cause them to unleash all kinds of evil upon the world.

Spiritual terrorism has no boundaries; it has no country of origin, for it is everywhere sin is allowed to have its effect on mankind. No army of a nation can stop it. No human intelligence agency can outmaneuver it, though it can restrain it here and there once in a while. This enemy can only be stopped by God’s people’s use of spiritual power which only comes from the ultimate authority: Jesus Christ. Prayer is the instrument through which the true believer in Jesus can stop the spiritual terrorism anywhere.

The enemy is very real. Satan has carefully laid plans to terrorize people wherever he can. This entire world today is suffering from extensive demonic terrorism. But through Jesus Christ, a born again child of God has the power to defeat this enemy if they are willing to pay the price in strategic prayer warfare.

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