Here, everywhere, any place you go, wherever you look, distractions get our attention away from other things that you maybe should be doing. We live in an information age; in fact, maybe too much information. With some of these things that are supposed to help us manage our time, it’s very likely that they control it.

Now there have always been distractions, but what we have now is harder to get away from. Satan knows how to use these distractions to his benefit, and he does: his whole point is to distract our attention from anything of God, even to the point of using it to fight against God.

The wise person keeps his focus on truth and will try to guard against distraction. The greatest weapon you have is to commit yourself to God to keep you from being distracted by asking God to put a hedge of protection from being led away from the places He wants you.

Distractions are only going to get worse, and we all need help. Without the Spirit of God, we will get turned around from being what He has planned for us to be. Guard your heart and commit your plans daily to God just as Psalm says. And He will and does have the very power you need to keep you from being distracted from His greater purpose.

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